Life... To Be Continued

This blog is closed. Grace and peace to all. Here's to the next chapters of our lives. =)

I never keep up with blogs.

But I will say that a lot has happened over the last year.

If I had to pick a theme for this year, it would be relationships.

One relationship in particular started (or rather, I should say restarted), grew, because of both of our selfishness and stupidity grew out of control, and then imploded on itself. What brief glimpses I had of that persons life after that, I saw them grow stronger, put aside fear and follow their dream of starting their own photography business. When we were together, a lot of mistakes were made, a lot of pain was caused, but afterwards, forgiveness came, and now we have (rather bittersweetly in my opinion, if I have to be honest) gone our separate ways. To that person I wish the best of luck and pray everyday for them to be blessed (whether it be physically, spiritually, or regarding their business/dreams).

But that's not the end of the story.

Though I parted ways with one, I have been blessed to be surrounded by many more. This year has brought more new relationships and friendships then I can count. Deeper relationships than I have ever had. All I can say is that I am incredibly grateful for the people in my life that want to see me become a better person and grow in relationship with Christ and them also. And because of these people, it has also been a year of firsts.

First time out of the country
First mission trip
First real flight
First time moving out on my own and supporting myself
First time having a roommate that isn't a biological family member
First time starting to truly explore and pursue dreams of my own

So just as this roller-coaster of a year must soon come to a close, so this blog and this chapter of my life come to an overdue close also.

So with that, I bid farewell.
Not goodbye forever. Just goodbye for now.
So here's to the next chapter, the next challenge, the next adventure, the next unexpected turn or twist...