Life... To Be Continued

This blog is closed. Grace and peace to all. Here's to the next chapters of our lives. =)

"From the every day to the everlasting."

That's half of the subtitle of this blog. Yet for some reason, I always put off writing anything because I tell myself I have nothing to say, won't be able to say it right, or won't be able to say it as well as someone else could. But this blog isn't written by someone else. So I suppose even if someone else wrote it, that someone else would not be me. Though they might say it more grammatically correct or with more beauty, they could never quite say it like me. ;-)

Happy New Year by the way. =)

A video my friend Jon made:


The only way to get better at something is to do it. Give yourself permission to make mistakes, to have bad grammar, and to not be eloquent. Your ultimate goal in writing should not be perfection, it should be creative expression. It should be fun. It should be an outlet for emotion. The stuff you write when you don't give a hoot how it turns out will be better than anything you try too hard to manufacture. Just write for the heck of it and you might be surprised by how much skill you have. There's so much more to writing than mechanics, anyway. Writing benefits you as a person, mentally and spiritually, and it's worth doing it just for you own enrichment.

You should get a copy of this book I got from the library, "The Right To Write" by Julia Cameron. It's awesome.