Life... To Be Continued

This blog is closed. Grace and peace to all. Here's to the next chapters of our lives. =)

I took my little brother out for his birthday yesterday. He typically drives me completely insane and more often than not annoys me beyond words. He was good yesterday though. Probably because it was just him and I hanging out.

His actual birthday was the 14th but we celebrated it on the 17th. He wanted some new Scooby Doo movie but it wasn't out that day so, being himself, he threw a temper tantrum, unable to understand what a release date was. Of course, when I was 11, I don't think I did either. Anyways, no one could calm him down until I went in with Blockbuster on speakerphone to prove to him that he couldn't get the movie until yesterday.

Once he heard that, he was satisfied for the moment. All this to say, the reason we were out yesterday was because I bought him a gift card to Best Buy and I told him that the day the movie came out, I would take him out to go buy it. So that's what we did. We also hung out in Best Buy and he attempted to play some Guitar Hero 5. The drums were broken so that didn't work too well. When we finally left Best Buy, my little brother was the proud owner of a new Scooby Doo movie... and a bag of combos. =P

After Best Buy, we hightailed it to Burger King and watched iCarly as we were eating. All-in-all pretty entertaining, but I'm pretty sure I'd be punching those girls in the face if they were my kids. Ok, not really. I don't have the heart to hit girls... or anyone for that matter.

From Burger King, I proceeded to drive to my parents church to drop my brother off. While there, I saw a few people I hadn't seen in quite some time, and I also checked out the good ol' basement youth room, since I hadn't seen it since I was 18. It looked a little better, but it's still a basement.

Leaving there with a bad taste in my mouth (a whole other blog entry required to explain this), I went back to Best Buy to buy an antenna for grandma's TV because the one she had worked as well as a 2-legged donkey. The new one works alot better. That's it. Goodnight.

Yes this is true
But the question is who
Part of me says I want it to be you
But another part says that I want others too

Maybe it's both
Regardless, I'm torn
To cherish a rose is to cherish its thorns
A kiss, a caress, feel your breath, I'm reborn...

A friend of mine said something interesting to me tonight:

"I always have the sense that there is a great deal more going on inside your mind then you say, or maybe even realize. and so i'm always wondering what exactly is going on inside you."

Oh, how true a statement that is.

There probably is a lot of stuff going on inside of my mind that I don't realize. But I can honestly say that there is also alot more going on that I DO realize, and simply have no desire to face. Or if I do want to, I'm not sure how to go about it. There are so many different feelings that I want to express toward so many people. I have no idea where to begin, but the following is a feeble attempt to summarize SOME of those feelings.

First and foremost, toward myself, I would like to express a great deal of frustration. Frustration at the fact that I keep saying I'm going to do things, and never seem to make the time to do them. Frustration at the fact that I, like Paul, never do the things I want to do, and always end up doing the things I don't want to do... if that makes sense. Frustration that I always feel like I'm not quite as good as everyone else, and even more frutration towards the fact that I seem to think that that really even matters.

Towards certain people, I would simply like to express admiration, love, and gratitude. Some more than others.... but I'm always afraid that it will make life much more awkward than necessary. I suppose this fear also stems back to the not-being-good-enough thing, which again, is another reason I get frustrated with myself.

Towards others, mostly the "adults" in my family (not all of them, but most), anger, sadness, bitterness. I will never understand why they are completely incapable of growing up, looking past each others differences, and simply loving each other. These people that I used to look up to, admire, and wanted to be like... come to find out, are greedy, jealous, manipulative, and too proud for their own good. Yet somehow, for some reason, their opinion of me still affects the way I think of myself.

Which, of course, brings me back to being frustrated with myself. I remember back in late high school, I used to pride myself in saying that not much bothered or offended me. There are probably people who still believe this to be true. But the truth is, I hurt a lot more than I let on. I do get offeneded, though not about what most people I know would consider offensive.

Anyway, like I said, this is my attempt to SUMMARIZE some of the feelings bouncing around inside of my head.

So with that, Goodnight

Oh wow. It's been a year and a half since I've even looked at this blog. I completely forgot I even had it. Well, I suppose a "welcome back" is due. So yes, I already said it. It's 5 am and I am going to bed. Good morning everyone. I love you.